Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Site Testing

I've started full regression testing this morning so that I can identify as many issues as I can before the official launch.  So far I have 2 pages of hand written notes and I'm only through 2 of 33 use cases.  Most of the issues are pertinent to all use cases so it isn't as bad as it sounds.  I've also identified a half a page of additional features that I would like to add, but not necessarily before the launch.  I have to fix the register feature first before I can complete the remaining use cases.

I also have to incorporate PayPal into the site.  I really like Square, but PayPal still has a better cost structure and every dime is critical.  Sorry Square!

Once the Register feature is in place, I can actually officially launch and worry about the bugs as we go.  The Spring season is over, and only Summer Select teams are playing.  A bunch of boys from the 2 teams that I used as a beta are playing Select and I'd love for them to have their stats continue, but I can't market it until the register is done.  That shouldn't take long as I've had a register in place already.  But tying it to PayPal may take me a little time.

Ok, back to testing.

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